Long Term Health and Lifestyle Programs: How do these work?

Long Term Health and Lifestyle Programs: How do these work?

Let’s start by talking about some depressing stats related to health and fitness. We all know that Americans are obsessed with junk food. The CDC reported that 40 percent of adult Americans suffered from obesity between 2015 and 2016.

According to the Physical Activity Guidelines set by the government, the fitness level of nearly 80% of Americans doesn’t meet the set criteria.  On average, 40 percent of adults over the age of 75 maintain an active lifestyle, while less than 5% of adults exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.

The lifestyle of most children is even more distressing; American children spend over 7 hours in front of a TV or another screen like a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

All of this calls for strict action to improve and support healthy lifestyle choices. Nutritionists, local gyms, and personal trainers are coming up with new ways of introducing health and lifestyle programs, while researchers are working on proving their benefits and long-term implications.

What are Health and Lifestyle Programs?

Health and lifestyle programs are designed to get participants on track for a healthy and fuller routine. These programs promote physical as well as mental activity to keep your mind and body younger and healthier.

What are Health and Lifestyle Programs?

Health and lifestyle programs are community or group-oriented to encourage maximum participation, as well as to make them a support group.

Addressing nutrition, income, work hours, and a person’s current lifestyle are fundamental to a long-term lifestyle program.

These programs are a lot more than basic wellness programs and the results are long-term as well as life-changing.

How do These Programs Work?

A fully laid out program that can improve the quality and efficiency of life without disturbing work life is essential—now more than ever. In the workplace, the program’s main objective is to increase the productivity and satisfaction of an employee by introducing stress-relieving exercises that can be practiced at a desk. Using a two-prong approach, the programs work to reduce stress by allowing employees to take breaks, visit game rooms, while also  getting employers to hire fitness coaches, introduce healthy eating practices, or arrange bi-annual retreats.

How do These Programs Work?

Any health program works to reduce the risks of diseases caused by unhealthy eating and living habits. Cardiovascular diseases, obesity, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and negative impact on mental health are some of the leading conditions that are caused by inactivity.

These experiences are transformative for even those who already maintain a healthy lifestyle. To sign up for health and lifestyle programs, get in touch with us at Trainer Joe’s Fitness, a fitness gym Palm Desert. We understand that every person has a different life, fitness level, endurance, and motivation. Our workouts and health programs are curated by specialized trainers and fitness experts to your needs and interests and our personal trainers put in hours and extra hours to ensure that your goals are being achieved.

Trainer Joe’s Fitness also designs customized meal plans and custom fitness training routines. Call us 760-250-6389, if you’re looking for the professional fitness and  weight loss coach Palm Desert or Palm Springs area.

By |2020-02-20T13:25:57+00:00May 15th, 2019|Fitness & Health|0 Comments