Body Works
Trainer Joe’s Fitness is an elite personal trainer only gym. It is not your typical “big box” gym that you can get on every corner. When you work out here you will always have a trainer by your side to assist you to reach your optimal fitness level. Be prepared to build muscle, burn fat and get fit. While doing all of these you will rest assured knowing a professional trainer is close by your side to decrease your risk of injury.
Work out once per week or five times per week at Trainer Joe’s Fitness. Whether you are a novice or a pro, the workouts will be functional and adapted to fit your needs.
Aarron Johnson Founder and Owner
Aarron is the owner and founder of Trainer Joe’s Fitness in Palm Desert, CA. The center is focused as a “trainer” only gym for clients to get optimal results.
Aarron found his inspiration for fitness training in his stint as a United States Air Force Special Operations candidate training alongside his law enforcement and military colleagues. It was during that time he learned state-of-the-art strength building and progressive training techniques.

One hot day, after a long endurance run training himself for the Air Force, Aarron was approached by one of his neighbors to train him and his family. He realized that he just got his first job as a personal trainer. He trained his neighbors which consisted of husband, wife, and their 3 children. This is where he quickly learned that not everyone is at the same fitness level.

“Fitness training has always been a passion for me,” explains Aarron. Even after he completed his AS in Commercial Flight and an AA is Business Administration at Mount San Antonio College, he knew he wanted to pursue a career as a personal trainer.
Before settling and going full time as a personal trainer, Aarron played 2 years of semi-pro basketball in Pasadena, California. In the off-season, he worked out with UCLA’s assistant athletic director further reinforcing his love for personal fitness training. He learned about sport specific training techniques as well as some of the workout techniques he uses today. Aarron’s interest in basketball brought him into training children to play basketball. He loved so much watching his trainees grow and succeed in basketball that he continued training kids for 3 years.
Specialty training for Aarron includes for patient who are suffering from cognitive decline. Exercises are very specific as functional fitness becomes a must for patients to ensure optimal serotonin to the brain. Aarron likes everyone to know that “exercise not only works the body, but maybe even more importantly it works the brain.” He works closely with physicians throughout the valley
Discovering that people need to “workout” in their daily activities not just at a gym helped inspire him to open Trainer Joe’s Fitness. The focus is personal one on one training to create a balanced fit body and reach your optimal height of performance. In addition, he teaches people that want to become personal trainers through classes he offers as part of Trainer Joe’s Fitness Association.
In his spare time between workouts, he travels and has a passion for cars. If you do not catch him at the gym, catch him on an open road.
Get In Touch Contact us
72880 Fred Waring,Dr Suite C-11, Palm Desert, CA 92260